Saturday, July 04, 2009

Why Did You Get That Hat?

Not being a member of the indolent rich (much to my chagrin), I've never been overly interested in the various society engagements that seem to engender an unwarranted amount of coverage in the media, with the annual hat expo that is Ladies' Day at Ascot being a prime example.

This year however, the sheer levels of attention-seeking from attendees would appear to have reached epic proportions. Not content with simply wearing a hat at least four sizes too large in order to try and get themselves a couple of seconds on telly, or photographed for one of those quirky junk pieces in one of the more class obsessed tabloids, 2009 will surely mark the point at which Ladies' Day at Royal Ascot officially became some kind of Rag Week for posh people.

Check out some more pictures here:

As an addendum, just in case at some point in the future that link stops working or they've changed it since, it's worth noting that at the time of writing the Daily Express's tagline is 'The World's Greatest Newspaper'.

A bold claim, but I should point out that I recently visited a page from Fox News which bore the strapline 'Fair and Balanced', which only goes to prove that there's clearly no legislation when it comes to slogans.