Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Fishy Fuckwits

What's the definition of an idiot? You'd be hard pushed to better this.

It seems people having been killing stingrays in Australia, apparently as some kind of revenge attack for the death of Steve Irwin. Yeah, that'll teach 'em - those shovel-shaped bastards have been getting away with it for too long.

Honestly, you've got to wonder sometimes how the human race ever managed to drag itself out of the caves to begin with, never mind build some kind of 'civilisation'.

If it isn't waging war on fish, they're falling over themselves to put the boot in to a man before his corpse is even cold (just check out the Wikipedia history page for the article about stingrays - they couldn't crowbar poorly spelled 'jokes' into the article quick enough).

Still, you don't know the full story - perhaps those stingrays were hanging around a Tube station looking a bit shifty, and you never know what they could be hiding under their gills...

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